The main purpose of our project is to communicate the importance of spirituality and morality as the basis of human life. We believe the goal of life is self-realization, which can only be achieved through spiritual practices. However, without a healthy society based on universal love and morality, we cannot practice spirituality properly. That’s why we feel that spirituality is essential. By living a spiritual life one can strive to be free of selfishness and to help remove the suffering of others, which in turn will progress the notion of universal love.

We believe in providing the five minimum requirements of life to everyone – food, clothes, shelter, education, and medication.

These are the right of each and every person living on this earth. In many countries, children are deprived of these five basic requirements. It is our duty to help so every child can develop their full potential in order to become a model human being in society.

Narayan Seva started various projects and activities in response to this belief – one of them is our Children’s Home. We have 85 children now in our Children’s Home. 

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